Thursday, 14 October 2010

Dianne & Michael Matheson's Wedding

Hi guys

Thought for the first real blog posting here, i would upload a slide show of my latest wedding. 
Dianne & Michael got married on the 24th September 2010, it was the coldest, wettest, darkest and dullest day i have ever photographed a wedding. That didn't stop us getting loads of great shot, and grabbing the guests and going outside. I had a great time, thanks guy for letting me be part of your wedding. MBP xx

p.s i even got in on one of the pictures, was raining hard at this point!!

Friday, 8 October 2010

New Style Blog

Hi Guys!!

Just testing a new blog! Would be interested to see what people think? Is this better or worse?

Well it is important to keep on top of technology and the way to communicate and this was recommended.

See ya soon

Matt x