Friday, 19 November 2010

Another new sample album (2 of 3)

Well another new sample album arrived this week, so that leaves just one more!! That should be in next week tho I did ask for a few extra bits so maybe week after!!

The new sample album has a canvas cover with 70 images on the inside. Fully digital with the images on some pages fully to the edge. This album is the one provided in package 4, with a range of cover options from Canvas, Leather and Acrylic.

Pop in and have a look, ill even make a coffee or an hot chocolate.... Although just notice i have run out of milk!

Below are a few shots of the sample album that arrived Monday.

Full Set


Main Album

Parent Album

Mini Parent Album

Press Book

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album

Main Album 10x14"
Parents Album 7"
Mini Parent Book 4"
Mini Press Book 5"

Thursday, 4 November 2010

New Sample Albums just about ready!!!!

Hi guys,

Every couple of years its time to update and re-invent ones self. Well October/November 2010 has been one of those times, and now Matt Bunting Photography are ready for 2011.

We have re-designed our little studio in Louth, which now has a new sitting area, where you can sit and view are products whilst having a cappuccino or hot chocolate.   

New brochures and business cards have arrived as well as some fantastic mini cards that easily fit inside your purse or wallet.

If you notice a friend of mine sitting on the seat? He is called Buttons, a welcome help to me in the studio, kindly sent by my little girl. Thanks sweetie he keeps everyone in check!!

We also have new framed pictures and some new canvas prints to brighten up the studio. A new lighting set up to really give us the ability to shot great hi-key portraits.

Also for 2011 we have created a new set of wedding packages, offering a greater range and some exciting new products from the best album manufacturers in the world.

Leading digital album makers like:
  • Queensberry - Possibly being the world leaders in album making, design and quality, I always say if the queen is going to have an album, it would be made by Queensberry. Queensberry are based in New Zealand, but supply albums to the best photographers all over the world. - Go check them out.
Queensberry Album
  • Graphistudio - One of the original and best digital album makers. Produced in Italy, Graphi offer an amazing amount of options for covers, pages and design. Leading the way in new products and album design, making Graphi right at the front when it comes to modern Wedding albums. - Look at the album cover options
Graphistudio Albums
  •  We have also used 2 great album makers from the UK, which are used in packages 3 & 4. The first in package 3 is a super square album offering page sizes of 10x10". A digital album that is both simple and elegant that comes in a lovely display box. The great thing about this album is the simplicity, the album you receive with your images in is exactly like the sample album you can view. Package 4 is the next step in album design, offering different album sizes and cover styles from Leather, Acrillic and Canvas. Both offer great deals on parents albums too.  
Package 3 Album

Package 4 Album

So, as you can see, October and November has and is a very busy month for us. But we are so excited for 2011 and the different products we can offer for your wedding. If nothing else pop in and have a coffee..... its free!!

MBP xx